Creator & Individual Developer


C++, Cocos2d-x, Objective-C, Cocoa, OSX, C#, XNA, HLSL (Shaders), XBOX 360, PC


(Sep 2009 – Feb 2011) The first demo was when the editor was built on Windows, using XNA, for XBOX 360.

  • Wrote the game engine that loads the data generated by the editors and executes the scripts and everything around it.
  • HLSL shaders for special effects and used Render Targets to achieve the blood stains effect on the mid layer of the game.
  • Implemented an AI framework and quickly put in place the AI for the first “boss”, dumb zombies, etc…
  • 2 players for Co-op mode. The game takes care of keeping both players on the screen the whole time. AI attacks both players as well.
  • The game runs on a High Definition TV with a resolution of 1920×1080 (1080p).

(Nov 2012 – Feb 2014) The second demo was when I ported the editor to Mac, and made it crossplatform to work on Mac, iOS and Windows.

  • The engine supports parallax, sidescroller depth feel, scripting, particle systems, behaviors, movement patterns, weather effects, ground material effects and more…
  • The game engine loads the data generated by the editors and executes the scripts and everything around it.
  • The game is crossplatform, it runs on Mac, Windows, iOS and Android.