Technical Director on a team of 10. Boeing competition.
C++, DirectX, HLSL (Shaders)
- Worked on the Graphics engine with the Mesh Loading (.X Files) and Rendering using DirectX.
- Created the Shaders Engine that supports as many FX Files as needed
- Implemented the Phong Shading for lighting
- Designed the game engine architecture
- Worked on the classes design of approximately all the game modules
- Did the Energy/Pollution status representation using masking overlay.
- Wrote the DirectInput engine to handle the Mouse Input to have it focused only on the game.
- Changed the Camera Control to behave according to the Mouse.
- Implemented a 3D Particle System Engine.
- Designed and Implemented the Construction/Destruction Animation of the buildings using particle systems.
- Helped in doing the Point Light on the Mouse for the Day/Night shift.
- Worked on rendering the selected building in the HUD.
- Made the building transparent when it was selected.
- Created the Continent Switch Indicator.
- Implemented the Global Game Time Indicator.