Booster Service Pro iOS App
App used by Booster’s service professionals to fulfill customer orders.
Co-Developer for iOS (under 30 days from start to launch)
Swift, Core Data, Location Services, PubNub
2017 — 2023
Get gas delivered while you work. High-quality gas. Low, competitive prices. Free same day delivery — right to your parking spot.
This is the app our Service Pros use to fulfill customers’ order placed using our Booster Consumer app.
I also build the driver iOS app that our service professionals use to fulfill orders, from scratch in about 1 month with another engineer.
I wrote our fetching of requests service, which downloads the customer’s orders, and caches them in the app.
I leveraged the “Routing” framework I built for the consumer app to notify the drivers of important events. And allow them to tap on an in-app toast to route them to a specific order.