Co-Founder & CEO/CTO
Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, CoreData, ParseServer, Stripe, Mailchimp, Mailgun
Tooride offers a Private Tours On-Demand service, that allows tour guides to host their tours for visitors to book.
- Wrote it from scratch using Objective-C / Cocoa Touch. Built all the User Interface across the whole app.
- Used for the server related code. Which I had to migrate to ParseServer that I hosted onto AWS Elastic Beanstalk (due to the termination of service on Jan 2017).
- CoreData to cache the server objects into the local database.
- Stripe for Payments.
- MailChimp/Mandrill for emails.
- Multi-threading to perform most operations in the background, like fetching tours, getting info on demand, etc..
- Reviews System to support customer reviews for tours; Role/Permission integration, to allow having super users “admins” approve users to become tour guides.
- In-app Admin Tools to interact with tours, users and more..
- Experimentation System that enables us to experiment (toggle on/off) on different features of the app.
- Stats Logging.
- Push Notifications.
- Deep Linking / Handling.
- Auto Emails Generations for sign ups, order confirmations, refunds, marketing emails, booking reminders, etc.
- Payment System (Apple Pay, AliPay, Credit/Debit Cards, Amex Checkout, Direct Deposit onto Tour Guide’s accounts).
- Tour Requests functionality that allows customers to put in a request with their activities, budget, etc. And tour guides will submit offers for them to review.
- Built a Coupon System to give away discounts and help promote the app.
- Facebook Login, for quick sign ups.
- Filters System that manages the home page all pushed from the backend.
- Referral Program to grant bonus coupons.
- Analytics using Facebook, Google with Ecommerce reporting.
- Localization fully localized in Chinese.